A wide range of easy-to-use editing tools are available for this purpose. You take a 3-dimensional portrait with your 3D camera c-cam. Afterwards you can edit it in our crystalab camera software.
Then you can add a 3D label to the image. That's it! Now you transfer the data to the laser system, which will do the rest for you.
2D crystal picture
Of course, you can also simply turn photos from a digital camera or scanned paper images into beautiful crystal images.
These photo files can be easily processed in the crystalab or crystalab pro software into high-resolution grayscale images, which you can then transfer to the laser system to create a flat crystal photo.
The special feature of cericom's photo conversion technology is the creation of multiple layers in the glass and the application of sophisticated so-called dither algorithms to achieve superior image quality in the glass.
cericom 2D-3D - transform simple photos into impressive 3D images
We offer our customers who have a cericom laser system the cericom 2D-3D service. Simply send us photos of animals or even portrait photos up to family pictures by e-mail.
Within 24 hours you will receive a high-resolution 3D data set in the size you require. You now transfer this data to your laser system to create a high-quality 3D glass photo.
crystalab pro
You custom design your 3D designs in any CAD software like the free available 3D CAD programs blender or sketchup or you simply download 3D motives from the internet. Have a look at the following links and you will be amazed how many 3D motives are available.
Turn your 3D motive into a so-called 3D point cloud in just a few steps in the powerful and easy-to-use crystalab pro software. Then transfer the data set to a cericom laser system - done!